Welcome to UNIVERSAL LABO GROUP, a leader in Europe and Africa in secure banknotes.

Universal Labo operates as an advanced laboratory using the latest working methods. Our expertise encompasses a variety of cleaning products, such as SSD solution, universal TTZ solution, Vectrol paste, activation powder, and machines designed for the development of carbonized banknotes. We make these products and services available to our clients, addressing their specific needs and requests.

Cleaning banknotes has become our daily routine, a task we undertake with pride. We approach each cleaning mission with competence and exemplary dedication, ensuring that our clients are never disappointed.

Our methods cover all types of currencies, including USD, Euro, and many others, ensuring thorough and efficient cleaning. We offer a comprehensive range of items and chemicals specially designed to clean currencies from the ground up.

Our team of experts masters the use of chemicals and powders dedicated to banknote cleaning. We also have suitable machines to process large quantities of money. Our inventory includes a variety of advanced chemicals, as well as activation salts and humine powders. Let us know your needs and requirements; we are committed to finding tailored solutions. At Universal Labo, you can rely on us to effectively address all your concerns related to banknote cleaning.

Our Services

  • Conducting analyses using tested products through spectrophotometry.
  • Utilization of microorganisms and chemical cells M1.
  • Implementation of quality control and authenticity tests.
  • Implementation of statistical processing for banknote treatment.
  • Selling banknotes.
  • Stripping of colored banknotes.
  • Counterfeiting of top-quality banknotes with all security guarantees.
  • Sale of banknote cleaning products.
  • Rental of cleaning machines.

A high-quality service.

Swift, secure, and expertly performed cleaning.

Consistently satisfying results.

Our expertise.

Experience is a school where lessons are often expensive, but only fools derive lessons from that source. The true absurdity lies in repeating the same actions while expecting a different result.

In-depth analyses

We have state-of-the-art tools of the latest generations to provide you with impeccable results.

Banknote processing.

An entire team of experts at your disposal.

Utilization of the most sophisticated solutions.

Benefit from the most contemporary treatment techniques. In case of necessity, rent our machines at favorable rates.

Our network.

Our extensive network of specialized laboratories in secure banknote processing spans across Europe and Africa, aiming to provide you with optimal support.


Paris, France, Suisse

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