Universal Labo boasts globally trained professionals following the joint approval of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1951 under Degree No: WB/IMF/001/EU48765/0051.

It was established to assist countries, governments, banks, businesses, and individuals in cleaning their coated or degraded banknotes that may have been altered during transportation to secure money from hijackers, terrorists, etc.

Universal Labo comprises world-class scientists from different continents who have been professionally trained by the IMF and World Bank to handle degraded banknotes.

Today, Universal Labo has a professional team of 56 technicians fully trained to handle chemicals, powders, and machines to clean all types of banknotes.

We employ the latest research and societal technologies.

Well-executed service in record time.

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Satisfied clients


Expert staff.

Why choose us?

Because we are the best in our field. Our clients always leave with a smile.

High-quality laboratory.

Unmatched expertise.

Accurate results.

Qualified staff.